Tampone Rapido Antigenico Farmacia Congedo

Thanks to the agreement signed between the Campania region crisis unit, Federfarma Campania and Assofarm Campania, it will be possible to perform rapid swabs for the search for the SARS-CoV-2 antigen directly at ours and other pharmacies in the Campania region.

The Pharmacy Congedo dr. Paolo immediately made herself available to offer this service to all citizens who request it. If you want to book call the numbers 0815750655 - 3332502416!

The rapid test has a valid application in the field of screening, but cannot be considered a diagnostic test in a clinical setting.

The rapid test was introduced for the screening of passengers in airports and ports and the Ministry of Health highlights its usefulness also in the school context.

Given the high utility of rapid tests as a screening tool, today it is also possible to carry them out on the entire population by exploiting the widespread network of pharmacies!

It seems appropriate to clarify the type of analysis that can be performed directly at our pharmacy or at home.


What is a tampon?

The tampon itself is that instrument consisting of a stick that carries a cotton coating at one end, commonly referred to as "cotton-fioc".
This is used to take the superficial cells that make up the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx (the upper part of the pharyngeal canal) and/or oropharynx (the part of the pharynx located behind the oral cavity)

The collection of biological tissue by swab is slightly invasive and can be a slight annoyance, but it is absolutely not painful!

Test Antigenico

Rapid antigen tests look for the surface proteins of the virus (antigens) and not the viral genome (as happens with the molecular test).

The sample is collected through a nasopharyngeal and/or oropharyngeal swab and the response times are very short (about 15-30 minutes, while for the molecular test it takes about 24-48 hours). The sensitivity and specificity of the so-called rapid test are now quite high given that they have an overall reliability of around 95%.

Those who test positive for the rapid test should then undergo the molecular test to confirm the diagnosis of infection. The molecular test certainly remains the most accurate analysis for identifying the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


The results of the test will be transmitted to the Campania region through the use of the Sinfonia regional e-covid platform. From this, an SMS will automatically be sent directly to the mobile phone of the citizen who underwent the test containing the result of the swab carried out. This application also allows the individual citizen to access, by means of a health card, his own tests performed and to download the reports.

For more information and / or to book your swab call 0815750655 - 3332502416.

Tampone farmacia napoliTampone farmacia posillipoTampone rapidoTampone rapido in farmacia

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