Covid-19 : I 3 pilastri fondamentali di prevenzione!

There are three real pillars on which the entire international scientific community is deeply in agreement: there is no country in the world where the scientific community disagrees with the need to keep these three fundamental rules."

The increase in “post-holiday” coronavirus infections is now a fact!

The main perpetrators, looking at the statistical data, seem to be the youngest, average age of new infections 29 years, who very probably faced the summer period very lightly, completely forgetting about the previous period of lockdown, the obligation to wear a mask, the gatherings in closed places such as in discos.

In some areas of Italy there is talk of an obligation to wear a mask during 24h, in other small areas unfortunately small total closures are already taking place, with the aim of immediately isolating possible outbreaks and thus avoiding the worst.

However, the situation seems to be kept more under control than in the previous months and this is due to some more knowledge on the behavior of the virus. 

We now know how it is transmitted, what absolutely must be avoided and what must be done to try to prevent its spread as much as possible!

We remind our readers i 3 fundamental pillars of prevention shared by scientific communities around the world!

  1. The correct use of mask  

Both surgical masks and those with FFP2 protection filters or FFP3 have a filtering power that is valid for 8 hours of use. After this period of time they must be disposed of in unsorted waste!

It being understood that it must always be replaced after each use, for those who really don't want to replace it because perhaps they have only used it for 30 minutes, we strongly recommend that you sanitize it using an alcohol-based spray (minimum 65%), then they must keep it in a suitable clean and closed case. 

As for the "washable" masks, these must be made of fabric resistant to at least 60°C to allow them to be cleaned.

We remind you that before wearing the mask you must wash your hands well!

  1. Compliance with basic hygiene standards 

Hands should be washed for at least 60 seconds with soap and warm water. Alternatively, you can use a sanitizing gel that is made up of at least 65% alcohol and use it for at least 30 seconds. 

However, you should avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible. 

Cleaning surfaces with suitable chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants is always a priority. Also pay attention to cell phones, PC keyboards, mice, remote controls and all those small surfaces that are constantly used.

  1. Avoid gatherings 

Still absolutely avoid crowded places especially if indoors. If it cannot be avoided, it is essential to wear a mask, while still trying to keep at least 1 meter away from other people. 

Handshakes and greetings with kisses and hugs should also be avoided.

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